Greater Washington Region Heart Ball


It's the beat underlying everything that keeps you on the move. When it's strong, it tells you instantly you're alive. When it's weak, it's a sign that help is needed. At Heart, Pulse is a group of local young professionals working to build a strong beat of commitment to heart health in the next generation of community leaders. It's your friends and coworkers gathering to educate, inspire and develop the habit of philanthropy dedicated to changing the health of a new generation. Making it so that the next one won't have to fight the same battle.

Pulse is all about prevention. It's about staying strong, being steady, growing powerful in the fight to eliminate deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The people of Pulse know that the best results, the biggest breakthroughs, and the most fun come from working together. Join in the Pulse.

Next at Pulse

  To purchase Cinco de Mayo tickets with a check,
please make it out to "American Heart Association" and mail to:
American Heart Association
ATTN: Kara Laing
4301 N. Fairfax Dr., Ste. 530
Arlington, VA 22203

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